Blog - Rodgers & Associates

Articles by Rodgers & Associates’ Advisers

From Roth IRAs and tax planning to medicare and market reflections, Rodgers & Associates has over twenty five years experience navigating financial planning and wealth management. Each of our Financial Planners have various insights into how to plan and prepare for a thriving retirement lifestyle.

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5 Ways to Take Advantage of the Market Downturn

Rick Rodgers

Look for oppor­tu­nities created by lower markets, which include evalu­ating employer stock, performing Roth conver­sions, and investing before the market rebounds.

Year-Round Tax Planning Strategies

Rick Rodgers

With the top marginal tax rate now at 37%—and the Medicare surtax on investment income adding another 3.8%—tax efficiency is more important than ever.

Hardship Withdrawals – What are the Real Costs?

Rick Rodgers

Withdrawing money early from a retirement account is meant to be a last resort—and can come with conse­quences. Make sure you know these penalties and exemp­tions first.

Taking Inventory with Financial Tracking Apps

Ashley Duff

If managing your financial accounts feels clunky or time-consuming, a money management app can help you track spending, savings, and perfor­mance. Here are three to consider.