Nine Tips for Safer Travel
Surprises on vacation can be stressful. Here’s how to plan ahead so your next trip is memorable in the right ways.
Ask the Adviser: How long should I keep my financial documents?
The guidance varies depending on the document. We’ll look at what to consider with bank statements, tax returns, and other common file types.
A 10-Question Pop Quiz to Test Your Tax and Investment IQ
How much do you know about the tax implications of investing? This quiz tests your knowledge and gives you a chance to brush up on the basics.
Ask the Adviser: Should I begin making gifts to my new grandchild?
“New Grandparent Syndrome”—and the doting it inspires—is real. Here’s how you can balance generosity with practicality.
Ask the Adviser: Is my portfolio well-diversified?
While there’s no magic formula for balancing a portfolio, there are some key factors to consider—from asset allocation to sector concentration.
What to Know When Investing in REITs
Real Estate Investment Trusts offer a way to invest in real estate without having to actually manage property. Yet it’s wise to understand the taxation first.
Ask the Adviser: What is ESG investing and why all the talk about it lately?
ESG ratings evaluate how socially conscious a company is, serving as guideposts for selective investors. And their impact is only growing.
The Pros and Cons of Self-Directing Your Employer-Sponsored Retirement Account
While more investment choices may be appealing, there are some issues to be aware of before taking this direction.
You’ve Been Given the Chance to Retire Early—Now What?
You’ve brought in a regular income and made wise investments throughout your life. Now you’re facing the transition from generating income to drawing down your savings.
Ask the Adviser: How can I build tax diversity into my portfolio?
Understanding how different investment accounts are taxed—and how they balance each other—is a great place to start.
Are You Maximizing the Tax Benefit of Your Charitable Gifts?
The IRS is not trying to discourage charitable giving. It is tightening requirements to limit abuses.
Ask the Adviser: How do I know if my investments are insured?
As an investor, you do not need to worry if you’re covered—if you have your investments through a SIPC member brokerage firm, coverage is automatic.
Whether You Are Retiring Now or in 10 Years, the Consolidated Appropriations Act Could Help You Save
Some changes take effect this year, and others are delayed until 2024, 2025, 2026, or even 2033.
Ask the Adviser: How can I best maintain my financial plan?
Much like caring for a vehicle, financial planning is an ongoing process—not a once-and-done event.
Understanding RMDs Can Help You Save
Want to design a tax-efficient retirement? Learning how and when to take required minimum distributions (or RMDs) can be a key part of your overall strategy.
Ask the Adviser: When should I change my asset allocation?
The asset allocation of your portfolio is a key driver of performance and returns. Do you have the right mix of stocks and bonds in your portfolio?
You missed an RMD—now what?
The rules surrounding Required Minimum Distributions are complicated and missing them can be costly. If you have made an error, follow these steps to amend it and seek a penalty waiver
7 Steps to Take When You Inherit an IRA
When Inheriting an IRA there are complex rules you will need to follow to avoid costly errors.
Learn These IRA Rules to Avoid Costly Penalties
Full of tricky timing concerns, the rules for IRA withdrawals are commonly misunderstood. Here, we explain five of them.
Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs): Follow the Rules to Avoid Costly Penalties
Taxpayers reaching age 72 should be aware that a portion of the funds in their retirement accounts starts to become taxable each year—and pitfalls are common.