Michelle Sweigart - Rodgers & Associates

Michelle Sweigart

Lead Client Services Assistant and Financial Paraplanner Qualified Professional™

Michelle oversees the workflow of the firm’s Client Services Department. She enjoys helping clients with their service requests no matter what type of financial need it may be. Her respon­si­bility is to delegate and prior­itize the duties of everyone in the service department. Michelle says it is a privilege to be part of such a dedicated, hardworking service team. During downtimes when they are not preparing paperwork or solving a service issue, you will find them laughing and sharing family stories to lift each other up. Everyone’s job on the service team is important to making the firm and its clients successful.

The company’s dedication to their clients, employees, and the community is one of the best parts of working at Rodgers & Associates for Michelle. She shares the firm’s goal of making the community a better place. When she is not helping clients resolve their service issues, she volun­teers at her church helping in their clothing room. She also partic­i­pates in Operation Shoebox and teaches Sunday school.

Michelle lives in the Willow Street area with her husband. They have six amazing children and three adorable grand­children. In addition to her church activ­ities, she helps at the local fire company where her husband is a member. She enjoys spending time with family, being outdoors, and having cookouts.