Rick and Jessica Rodgers founded Rodgers & Associates in 1996.
Rick began his career at Shearson American Express as a Financial Consultant in 1984. Jessica joined him at Shearson five years later. At that time, the business of financial advice was driven by investment sales. Rick and Jessica felt financial advice should be driven by a client’s financial goals and objectives. They bought a computer and began building financial plans using spreadsheets.
In 1990, they moved to Prudential Securities because the firm was developing the financial architect software to assist their advisers in creating financial plans. Unfortunately, the software was investment-focused and lacked what they believed were key parts of a financial plan: tax planning, all insurance needs (not just life insurance), debt management, and the unique financial issues people face.
Rodgers & Associates was founded to specialize in retirement.
The firm believes many financial efficiencies can be created when all financial decisions are coordinated. Rick wrote The New Three-Legged Stool: A Tax Efficient Approach to Retirement Planning (Wiley, 2009), to focus on the importance of saving efficiently. The book was updated in 2017 and published by Career Press as Don’t Retire Broke: An Indispensable Guide to Tax-Efficient Retirement Planning and Financial Freedom. Rick is a retirement expert who has appeared on national television shows, including FOX Business News, CNBC, and the 700 Club. His commentary has appeared in the New York Times, Smart Money, Investment News, and Medical Economics.
Rick and Jessica are long-time volunteers and supporters of the community.
In 2016, they were chosen as the first recipient of the Susan C. and Gerald C. Eckert Service and Philanthropy Award at Millersville University. They are passionate about helping people and focus on supporting organizations that provide food, clothing, shelter, and transportation. Their primary goal is to provide a path for people to become self-sufficient. For their contributions to the community, they also received the Central Penn Business Journal’s 2016 Spirit of Philanthropy Award and were chosen by Water Street Ministries as the 2019 Restorer of the City award recipients.