Blog - Rodgers & Associates

Articles by Rodgers & Associates’ Advisers

From Roth IRAs and tax planning to medicare and market reflections, Rodgers & Associates has over twenty five years experience navigating financial planning and wealth management. Each of our Financial Planners have various insights into how to plan and prepare for a thriving retirement lifestyle.

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Downsizing for Retirees: A Practical Guide

Rick Rodgers

Downsizing is an oppor­tunity to embrace a new chapter— with less mainte­nance, more mobility, and the chance to explore hobbies, travel, or community living.

Should You Do a Roth Conversion?

Rick Rodgers

Deciding to convert to a Roth IRA doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Let your tax bracket be your guide when deter­mining the amount to convert.

Taking Inventory with Financial Tracking Apps

Ashley Duff

If managing your financial accounts feels clunky or time-consuming, a money management app can help you track spending, savings, and perfor­mance. Here are three to consider.

Six Retirement Tips That Should Go Away Forever

Patrick Carney

These misper­cep­tions can end up costing you a lot of money, and more impor­tantly, years of your life working for someone else rather than pursuing your passions.