Blog - Rodgers & Associates

Articles by Rodgers & Associates’ Advisers

From Roth IRAs and tax planning to medicare and market reflections, Rodgers & Associates has over twenty five years experience navigating financial planning and wealth management. Each of our Financial Planners have various insights into how to plan and prepare for a thriving retirement lifestyle.

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Are You Overspending in Retirement?

Rick Rodgers

The 4% rule was developed taking economic downturns into account, and it has generally held up well during recent financial crises.

Should You Do a Roth Conversion?

Rick Rodgers

Deciding to convert to a Roth IRA doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Let your tax bracket be your guide when deter­mining the amount to convert.

Your 2024 Guide to Year-End Tax Planning

Rick Rodgers

Reducing your tax liability means taking advantage of regulatory updates. We’ll look at some of the year’s tax law changes and opportunities.

What to Know When Investing in REITs

Rick Rodgers

Real Estate Investment Trusts offer a way to invest in real estate without having to actually manage property. Yet it’s wise to under­stand the taxation first.

Understanding RMDs Can Help You Save

Rick Rodgers

Want to design a tax-efficient retirement? Learning how and when to take required minimum distri­b­u­tions (or RMDs) can be a key part of your overall strategy.