Five Strategies for High Income Earners to Deal with the New Tax Rules
The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (ATRA12) prevented higher taxes for many taxpayers but those in the top two tax brackets will experience an increase in taxes in 2013…
Rules for Filing a Gift Tax Return
Some basics.
The Death of Equities — 33 Years Later
Does this sound familiar?
Keep Up-to-Date with Social Security
Annual Social Security benefit statements no longer come in the mail.
Should Your Child Have a Roth IRA?
It’s an opportunity to start saving for children while they are young.
Do You Hold Title Correctly for Your Real Estate?
Property title questions during financial planning interviews often draw blank stares. Yet, understanding the differences among tenants-in-common, joint tenancy and community property is important for creditor protection issues, estate planning,…
Helping or Spoiling?
That’s the question a parent must ponder when an adult child asks for financial assistance. One of the greatest parts of being a parent occurs when you become a grandparent. So, it is…
Hold on to Your Last Social Security Statement
The Social Security Administration will no longer mail you an annual Social Security statement. Here’s what you need to do.