Downsizing for Retirees: A Practical Guide
Downsizing is an opportunity to embrace a new chapter— with less maintenance, more mobility, and the chance to explore hobbies, travel, or community living.
Ask the Adviser: How can I start planning a tax-efficient 2025?
While we can’t be certain about all the possible changes, we do know that some legislation passed in previous years will begin to take effect in January.
Are You an Investor—or a Speculator?
When you purchase gold, cryptocurrencies, or art, you own an asset you hope will appreciate—without any real idea if it will.
Are You Overspending in Retirement?
The 4% rule was developed taking economic downturns into account, and it has generally held up well during recent financial crises.
Ask the Adviser: What do I need to know about planning for long-term care?
If needed, long-term care is one of the pricier parts of retirement. But it can be even more expensive without a proper plan in place.
Should You Do a Roth Conversion?
Deciding to convert to a Roth IRA doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Let your tax bracket be your guide when determining the amount to convert.
Your 2024 Guide to Year-End Tax Planning
Reducing your tax liability means taking advantage of regulatory updates. We’ll look at some of the year’s tax law changes and opportunities.
Don’t Overlook HSAs as a Retirement Savings Vehicle
It’s a little-known fact that health savings accounts can provide an excellent way to save, invest, and take distributions—without paying taxes.
The Cost of Car Insurance Is Up, Here’s How to Bring It Back Down
We’ll look at why insurance rates rose 21% last year—and consider six practical ways to pay less.
Ask the Adviser: What’s predicted to happen with bonds in 2024?
The Fed is slated to cut interest rates, which may likely raise bond prices. Here’s what to know.
How to Reduce (or Avoid!) Taxes on Social Security Benefits
These five strategies can minimize the taxes you’ll pay on Social Security and help extend the life of your nest egg.
Ask the Adviser: Are my investment advisory fees tax deductible?
While it’s no longer possible to deduct advisory fees outright, we’ll explore other tax-efficient ways to cover them.
Ask the Adviser: Should I opt for an annuity inside my 401(k) plan?
An annuity creates an income stream while also incurring costs within the plan. We’ll evaluate the pros and cons.
Recapping Market Highlights and Most-Read Articles from 2023
This past year, we covered topics ranging from inflation and legislative changes to RMDs and asset allocation. Here is an overview.
Ask the Adviser: How can I give to my grandkids in a way that supports my own retirement plans?
Assuming you’ve determined that you can contribute financially without hindering your own retirement plans, you should carefully consider how you may be able to help.
How Retirement Savings are Changing in 2024
We reviewed the tax code updates for 2024. Here’s what to know about contributing to a variety of retirement accounts.
Ask the Adviser: How do I handle the taxes on inheritance from a PA resident?
Whether you’ve inherited property or other assets, here’s what to know about settling the tax bill in Pennsylvania.
Nine Tips for Safer Travel
Surprises on vacation can be stressful. Here’s how to plan ahead so your next trip is memorable in the right ways.
Ask the Adviser: How long should I keep my financial documents?
The guidance varies depending on the document. We’ll look at what to consider with bank statements, tax returns, and other common file types.
A 10-Question Pop Quiz to Test Your Tax and Investment IQ
How much do you know about the tax implications of investing? This quiz tests your knowledge and gives you a chance to brush up on the basics.