Emerald’s Hometown Hero – October 2021: Rick & Jessica Rodgers - Rodgers & Associates

Emerald’s Hometown Hero – October 2021: Rick & Jessica Rodgers

Rick and Jessica are long-time volun­teers and supporters of the community. In 2016, they were chosen as the first recipient of the Susan C. and Gerald C. Eckert Service and Philan­thropy Award at Millersville University. They are guided by their Christian faith which teaches that we are called to “Love your neighbor as yourself”. Their philan­thropy focuses on supporting organi­za­tions that provide food, clothing, shelter, and trans­portation, with a path for people to become self-sufficient.

Rick and Jessica are probably best known for their support of the annual Extra­or­dinary Give which began in 2013. The Lancaster County Food Hub, Hospice & Community Care, Tenfold, UDS, and the United Way of Lancaster County are a few of the organi­za­tions they have supported for several years. For their contri­bu­tions to the community, they also received the Central Penn Business Journal’s 2016 Spirit of Philan­thropy Award and were chosen by Water Street Ministries as the 2019 Restorer of the City award recipients.