Rodgers & Associates Receives Corporate Philanthropy Award from the Association of Fundraising Professionals - Rodgers & Associates

Rodgers & Associates Receives Corporate Philanthropy Award from the Association of Fundraising Professionals

The Central Pennsyl­vania Chapter of the Associ­ation of Fundraising Profes­sionals (AFP) recog­nizes leaders in philan­thropy each year on National Philan­thropy Day.  This year the 2021 winner in the category of corporate philan­thropy was given to Rodgers & Associates.  This award is presented to a corpo­ration or corporate foundation that has demon­strated outstanding commitment through financial support and volun­teerism, encourages and motivates others to take philan­thropic leadership roles in the community.  Hospice & Community Care nominated Rodgers & Associates for the award.

The Central Pennsyl­vania Chapter of AFP was founded in 1980 and is based in Harrisburg.  The chapter has over 200 members from throughout the Central Pennsyl­vania region.  The organi­zation is committed to advancing philan­thropy through education, training and advocacy.