Investing Archives - Rodgers & Associates

Blog posts by Rodgers & Associates on the subject of investing in the stock market and bonds, including topics like mutual funds, municipal bonds, interest rates, volatility, portfolio balancing, and investment strategy

Are You an Investor—or a Speculator?

Rick Rodgers

When you purchase gold, cryptocur­rencies, or art, you own an asset you hope will appreciate—without any real idea if it will.

Are You Overspending in Retirement?

Rick Rodgers

The 4% rule was developed taking economic downturns into account, and it has generally held up well during recent financial crises.

Should You Do a Roth Conversion?

Rick Rodgers

Deciding to convert to a Roth IRA doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Let your tax bracket be your guide when deter­mining the amount to convert.

Your 2024 Guide to Year-End Tax Planning

Rick Rodgers

Reducing your tax liability means taking advantage of regulatory updates. We’ll look at some of the year’s tax law changes and opportunities.

What to Know When Investing in REITs

Rick Rodgers

Real Estate Investment Trusts offer a way to invest in real estate without having to actually manage property. Yet it’s wise to under­stand the taxation first.

5 Ways to Take Advantage of the Market Downturn

Rick Rodgers

Look for oppor­tu­nities created by lower markets, which include evalu­ating employer stock, performing Roth conver­sions, and investing before the market rebounds.

Year-Round Tax Planning Strategies

Rick Rodgers

With the top marginal tax rate now at 37%—and the Medicare surtax on investment income adding another 3.8%—tax efficiency is more important than ever.

Tips for Enduring Inflation in Retirement

Rick Rodgers

According to a survey conducted at the end of 2021, about 88% of Americans are very worried about inflation and many say they are planning to cut back their spending.1 Prices…

Immediate Fixed Income Annuity: Is It Right For You?

Christopher Hershey

Immediate fixed-income annuities are often sold quoting an interest rate that is not available in certifi­cates of deposit or bonds. Generally, the interest rate quoted far exceeds more tradi­tional fixed-income products and is quite a lure to investors.

Six Retirement Tips That Should Go Away Forever

Patrick Carney

These misper­cep­tions can end up costing you a lot of money, and more impor­tantly, years of your life working for someone else rather than pursuing your passions.

What’s the Difference Between Premium Bonds and Discount Bonds?

Rodgers & Associates

A premium bond has a coupon rate higher than the prevailing interest rate for that particular bond maturity and credit quality. A discount bond, in contrast, has a coupon rate lower than the prevailing interest rate for that particular bond maturity and credit quality.

Are Pennsylvanians Saving Enough for Retirement?

Rick Rodgers

Only 51% of Pennsyl­va­nians have tried to figure out how much they need to save for retirement—and just 31% are satisfied with their current financial condition.

Prudent Withdrawal Rate

Rick Rodgers

Even if the proba­bility of success for a 4% withdraw rate is less than some thought, it’s still strong when your portfolio is monitored actively.

Annuity Traps Part 1: Living Benefits

Rick Rodgers

Learn about different types of annuities and under­stand how they can become a valuable component of your retirement plan. 

The Potential Dangers of Rolling Your Company Stock into an IRA

Rick Rodgers

If you own large quantities of company stock held within a retirement plan, rolling it into a tax-deferred IRA may not be the best strategy. Learn when a Net Unrealized Appre­ci­ation (NUA) trans­action is the right choice to maximize your tax efficiency.

What is the Rodgers & Associates Financial Planning Process?

Rick Rodgers

Our approach to retirement planning combines the seven-step process outlined by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards with our own unique focus on maximizing tax efficiency, managing risk, and minimizing expenses throughout retirement.

6 Ways to Help You Reach Your Retirement Goals

Rick Rodgers

It’s never too early to start planning for retirement. By setting a strategy— and sticking to it—you can help achieve your goal of financial indepen­dence sooner.

Why Optimism Can be Good for Investing

Rick Rodgers

You only need to look at historic returns for equities to see that this has been true. Yet it appears that despite this evidence, whenever the equity market is falling, many investors start selling.

How Do Retirees Get Paid in Retirement?

Rick Rodgers

What happens when the paychecks stop, and retirement begins? It is one of the most pressing questions we hear from people approaching retirement.

Investment Strategy

Lee Pelko

Should you sell when the stock market is high or buy more? We’ll help you plan an investment strategy on this edition of Project Wealth.

When and Why You Should Convert an IRA to a Roth

Rick Rodgers

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) elimi­nated the ability to use rechar­ac­ter­i­zation to reverse the conversion of a Tradi­tional IRA into a Roth IRA. The process of undoing a Roth…

What Does It Mean to Be a “Retirement Specialist”?

Rick Rodgers

The Rodgers & Associates logo includes “The Retirement Specialists.” The home page of our website says we “specialize in financial planning for those who are retired or expect to retire within…

5 Ways to Close the Retirement Gap and Increase Savings

Rick Rodgers

Last fall The Washington Post reported[1] that 71% of American’s aren’t saving enough for retirement. The article was based on a national survey commis­sioned by Experian in collab­o­ration with Get Rich…

Don’t Retire Broke!

Rick Rodgers

The New Three-Legged Stool A Tax-efficient Approach to Retirement Planning was published in June of 2009. People had been told for years that they would be in a lower tax bracket…