Savings Strategies Archives - Rodgers & Associates

Your 2024 Guide to Year-End Tax Planning

Rick Rodgers

Reducing your tax liability means taking advantage of regulatory updates. We’ll look at some of the year’s tax law changes and opportunities.

Hardship Withdrawals – What are the Real Costs?

Rick Rodgers

Withdrawing money early from a retirement account is meant to be a last resort—and can come with conse­quences. Make sure you know these penalties and exemp­tions first.

Taking Inventory with Financial Tracking Apps

Ashley Duff

If managing your financial accounts feels clunky or time-consuming, a money management app can help you track spending, savings, and perfor­mance. Here are three to consider.

Six Retirement Tips That Should Go Away Forever

Patrick Carney

These misper­cep­tions can end up costing you a lot of money, and more impor­tantly, years of your life working for someone else rather than pursuing your passions.

The Potential Dangers of Rolling Your Company Stock into an IRA

Rick Rodgers

If you own large quantities of company stock held within a retirement plan, rolling it into a tax-deferred IRA may not be the best strategy. Learn when a Net Unrealized Appre­ci­ation (NUA) trans­action is the right choice to maximize your tax efficiency.

Contributing Too Much to Your IRA Can Cost You

Rick Rodgers

Learn about contri­bution limits for tradi­tional and Roth IRAs and get advice on how to minimize penalties if you’ve contributed too much in a given year.

6 Ways to Help You Reach Your Retirement Goals

Rick Rodgers

It’s never too early to start planning for retirement. By setting a strategy— and sticking to it—you can help achieve your goal of financial indepen­dence sooner.

What We Can Learn from the Habits of Wealthy People

Rick Rodgers

Not wanting to be poor when I grew up, I decided the best course of action was to study people who had money. This fasci­nation set me on a lifelong course of studying wealthy and successful people.

Why Optimism Can be Good for Investing

Rick Rodgers

You only need to look at historic returns for equities to see that this has been true. Yet it appears that despite this evidence, whenever the equity market is falling, many investors start selling.

5 Keys to Financial Success, Revisited

Rick Rodgers

Johnny Depp was the fifth highest-paid actor in 2016 earning $48 million. Unfor­tu­nately, almost all of Depp’s entire $8.7 billion fortune is now gone.

Roth IRAs

Jeremie Patrick

Roth IRAs are a great way to save for retirement. But what if you have more money to contribute than is allowed in a Roth IRA? We’ll provide important retirement savings tips…

Do You Hold Title Correctly for Your Real Estate?

Rick Rodgers

Property title questions during financial planning inter­views often draw blank stares. Yet, under­standing the differ­ences among tenants-in-common, joint tenancy and community property is important for creditor protection issues, estate planning,…