Blog - Rodgers & Associates

Articles by Rodgers & Associates’ Advisers

From Roth IRAs and tax planning to medicare and market reflections, Rodgers & Associates has over twenty five years experience navigating financial planning and wealth management. Each of our Financial Planners have various insights into how to plan and prepare for a thriving retirement lifestyle.

Found 92 Results Page 3 of 5

Are Pennsylvanians Saving Enough for Retirement?

Rick Rodgers

Only 51% of Pennsyl­va­nians have tried to figure out how much they need to save for retirement—and just 31% are satisfied with their current financial condition.

Prudent Withdrawal Rate

Rick Rodgers

Even if the proba­bility of success for a 4% withdraw rate is less than some thought, it’s still strong when your portfolio is monitored actively.

Annuity Traps Part 1: Living Benefits

Rick Rodgers

Learn about different types of annuities and under­stand how they can become a valuable component of your retirement plan. 

The Potential Dangers of Rolling Your Company Stock into an IRA

Rick Rodgers

If you own large quantities of company stock held within a retirement plan, rolling it into a tax-deferred IRA may not be the best strategy. Learn when a Net Unrealized Appre­ci­ation (NUA) trans­action is the right choice to maximize your tax efficiency.