Downsizing for Retirees: A Practical Guide
Downsizing is an opportunity to embrace a new chapter— with less maintenance, more mobility, and the chance to explore hobbies, travel, or community living.
Follow This Formula When Converting an IRA to a Roth
Here, we break down the IRS pro-rata rule—a calculation that helps distinguish pre-tax and after-tax funds.
The Importance of Reporting to Credit Agencies After Death
It is the responsibility of the surviving spouse or the estate’s executor to notify lenders on joint accounts, to close out accounts in the deceased’s name, and to notify the three major credit agencies.
High Earners: Maximize Your 401(k) Match Using This Simple Tool
Don’t leave money on the table.
What’s the Difference Between Premium Bonds and Discount Bonds?
A premium bond has a coupon rate higher than the prevailing interest rate for that particular bond maturity and credit quality. A discount bond, in contrast, has a coupon rate lower than the prevailing interest rate for that particular bond maturity and credit quality.
Why is Time-Weighted Return a Good Way to Track Performance in Retirement?
Learn why we use time-weighted return as a reporting metric and see how it gives you an accurate picture of portfolio changes over time.
Non-working Spouses Can Contribute to an IRA: Here’s How
Income earned by one spouse can be used to fund retirement accounts for both spouses.
Important Age Milestones in Retirement
59½? 70½ ? How does the IRS come up with these?
Don’t Get Penalized for Having Stock Market Gains
You may need to make quarterly tax payments on your capital gains.
Did You Know You Can Appeal Higher Medicare Premiums?
What can be worse than expecting to finally get a Social Security raise, only to find out that your net check actually went down due to your income two years ago?
Pay Taxes Once, Instead of Four Times, Using Your IRA’s Required Minimum Distribution
Learn whether you can use your IRA’s Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) to pay some or all of your quarterly tax estimates.
Give Your 401(k) an Upgrade with Fidelity BrokerageLink®
Does your employer-sponsored retirement plan offer brokerage services? If so, you may gain access to expanded investment choices, including a range of mutual funds.
Should You Name Your Estate as Your IRA Beneficiary?
Why naming your Estate as your IRA Beneficiary may not be a good choice.
The Alternative Minimum Tax and Form 6251
Get familiar with the Alternative Minimum Tax and learn what triggers this part of the tax code.
Are You Missing Out on These 3 Common Tax Strategies for Retirees?
There are a few tax strategies for retirees that could increase your refund or at least help to trim the tax you owe.
The 4 Estate Planning Documents Everyone Should Have
Read on to learn more about each type of document and why each is important in helping to make sure your estate plan is in order.
Understanding the Tax Implications of Company Stock Based Compensation
If you are an executive at a large company, you may receive stock in your company at some point as a form of compensation.
Organize Your Financial Documents with These 10 Helpful Categories
Save time, Save money, Save headaches!
Why Standard Deviation Matters When Choosing Investments
Volatility often causes people to make decisions that may not be in their best interest.
Medicare’s 50th Anniversary: Remember When
How has Medicare changed life for seniors in this country?