Blog - Rodgers & Associates

Articles by Rodgers & Associates’ Advisers

From Roth IRAs and tax planning to medicare and market reflections, Rodgers & Associates has over twenty five years experience navigating financial planning and wealth management. Each of our Financial Planners have various insights into how to plan and prepare for a thriving retirement lifestyle.

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Taking Inventory with Financial Tracking Apps

Ashley Duff

If managing your financial accounts feels clunky or time-consuming, a money management app can help you track spending, savings, and perfor­mance. Here are three to consider.

Immediate Fixed Income Annuity: Is It Right For You?

Christopher Hershey

Immediate fixed-income annuities are often sold quoting an interest rate that is not available in certifi­cates of deposit or bonds. Generally, the interest rate quoted far exceeds more tradi­tional fixed-income products and is quite a lure to investors.

The Importance of Reporting to Credit Agencies After Death

Rodgers & Associates

It is the respon­si­bility of the surviving spouse or the estate’s executor to notify lenders on joint accounts, to close out accounts in the deceased’s name, and to notify the three major credit agencies.

Six Retirement Tips That Should Go Away Forever

Patrick Carney

These misper­cep­tions can end up costing you a lot of money, and more impor­tantly, years of your life working for someone else rather than pursuing your passions.

Phase 1 of the AGILE Retirement Journey

Jeremie Patrick

Did you know a critical phase of retirement begins 10 years out? We’ll go over what you need to do in phase one on this edition of Project Wealth.

Phase 2 of the AGILE Retirement Journey

Patrick Carney

Preparing for retirement might be the single biggest financial challenge people face. We’ll cover planning at the beginning of your retirement journey on this edition of Project Wealth.

Phase 3 of the AGILE Retirement Journey

Christopher Hershey

Transi­tioning from work to retirement might be the biggest financial challenge people face. We’ll cover planning during Phase 3 of your retirement journey on this edition of Project Wealth.