Legacy Archives - Rodgers & Associates

What Lessons Can Philanthropy Teach Us?

Jeremie Patrick

Merriam-Webster defines philan­thropy as “goodwill to fellow members of the human race, an active effort to promote human welfare, or an act or gift done or made for human­i­tarian purposes.”…

Non-Profit Pledge Obligations: What You Need to Know

Rick Rodgers

Your favorite non-profit is running a capital campaign. They approach you for support asking for an amount larger than you are willing to write a check for today. No problem. You can…

The Tax Advantages of Charitable Remainder Trusts

Rick Rodgers

What happens when you combine aging baby boomers and a stock market reaching all-time highs? A renewed interest in chari­table remainder trusts (CRT). The oldest of America’s 72 million baby boomers are…

Helping or Spoiling?

Rick Rodgers

That’s the question a parent must ponder when an adult child asks for financial assis­tance. One of the greatest parts of being a parent occurs when you become a grand­parent. So, it is…