Working with an Adviser Archives - Rodgers & Associates

Blog posts from Rodgers & Associates on working with financial advisers, including how to find one, the different types, what “fee-only” advisers do differ­ently, what to expect, and how to get the most from the relationship

Are You Overspending in Retirement?

Rick Rodgers

The 4% rule was developed taking economic downturns into account, and it has generally held up well during recent financial crises.

Should You Do a Roth Conversion?

Rick Rodgers

Deciding to convert to a Roth IRA doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Let your tax bracket be your guide when deter­mining the amount to convert.

Your 2024 Guide to Year-End Tax Planning

Rick Rodgers

Reducing your tax liability means taking advantage of regulatory updates. We’ll look at some of the year’s tax law changes and opportunities.

What to Know When Investing in REITs

Rick Rodgers

Real Estate Investment Trusts offer a way to invest in real estate without having to actually manage property. Yet it’s wise to under­stand the taxation first.

Understanding RMDs Can Help You Save

Rick Rodgers

Want to design a tax-efficient retirement? Learning how and when to take required minimum distri­b­u­tions (or RMDs) can be a key part of your overall strategy.

Hardship Withdrawals – What are the Real Costs?

Rick Rodgers

Withdrawing money early from a retirement account is meant to be a last resort—and can come with conse­quences. Make sure you know these penalties and exemp­tions first.

Phase 1 of the AGILE Retirement Journey

Jeremie Patrick

Did you know a critical phase of retirement begins 10 years out? We’ll go over what you need to do in phase one on this edition of Project Wealth.

What You Need to Know About RMDs

Rick Rodgers

Many clients have questions about when they need to withdraw money from their IRAs and what the rules are for Required Minimum Distri­b­u­tions (RMDs). Learn how to evaluate distri­b­ution options and avoid penalties that arise when RMDs are not met.

What is the Rodgers & Associates Financial Planning Process?

Rick Rodgers

Our approach to retirement planning combines the seven-step process outlined by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards with our own unique focus on maximizing tax efficiency, managing risk, and minimizing expenses throughout retirement.

6 Ways to Help You Reach Your Retirement Goals

Rick Rodgers

It’s never too early to start planning for retirement. By setting a strategy— and sticking to it—you can help achieve your goal of financial indepen­dence sooner.

Is Your Adviser Worthy of Your Trust?

Lee Pelko

It’s not enough to connect with your financial adviser. Use these 10 questions to find a financial adviser you can trust with your finances.

5 Keys to Financial Success, Revisited

Rick Rodgers

Johnny Depp was the fifth highest-paid actor in 2016 earning $48 million. Unfor­tu­nately, almost all of Depp’s entire $8.7 billion fortune is now gone.

When and Why You Should Convert an IRA to a Roth

Rick Rodgers

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) elimi­nated the ability to use rechar­ac­ter­i­zation to reverse the conversion of a Tradi­tional IRA into a Roth IRA. The process of undoing a Roth…

5 Ways to Close the Retirement Gap and Increase Savings

Rick Rodgers

Last fall The Washington Post reported[1] that 71% of American’s aren’t saving enough for retirement. The article was based on a national survey commis­sioned by Experian in collab­o­ration with Get Rich…