Taxes Archives - Rodgers & Associates

Blog posts by Rodgers & Associates on tax policy, tax law, tax planning, the IRS, and related topics.

Should You Do a Roth Conversion?

Rick Rodgers

Deciding to convert to a Roth IRA doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Let your tax bracket be your guide when deter­mining the amount to convert.

Your 2024 Guide to Year-End Tax Planning

Rick Rodgers

Reducing your tax liability means taking advantage of regulatory updates. We’ll look at some of the year’s tax law changes and opportunities.

What to Know When Investing in REITs

Rick Rodgers

Real Estate Investment Trusts offer a way to invest in real estate without having to actually manage property. Yet it’s wise to under­stand the taxation first.

Understanding RMDs Can Help You Save

Rick Rodgers

Want to design a tax-efficient retirement? Learning how and when to take required minimum distri­b­u­tions (or RMDs) can be a key part of your overall strategy.

You missed an RMD—now what?

Rick Rodgers

The rules surrounding Required Minimum Distri­b­u­tions are compli­cated and missing them can be costly. If you have made an error, follow these steps to amend it and seek a penalty waiver

5 Ways to Take Advantage of the Market Downturn

Rick Rodgers

Look for oppor­tu­nities created by lower markets, which include evalu­ating employer stock, performing Roth conver­sions, and investing before the market rebounds.

Year-Round Tax Planning Strategies

Rick Rodgers

With the top marginal tax rate now at 37%—and the Medicare surtax on investment income adding another 3.8%—tax efficiency is more important than ever.

Hardship Withdrawals – What are the Real Costs?

Rick Rodgers

Withdrawing money early from a retirement account is meant to be a last resort—and can come with conse­quences. Make sure you know these penalties and exemp­tions first.

Are Gifts to Children Tax-Deductible?

Rodgers & Associates

There is a way to get a partial deduction for money that will eventually go to your children. A chari­table lead annuity trust gifts money to a charity first, and then passes assets to your beneficiaries.

5 Steps to a Successful NUA transaction

Rick Rodgers

Retirees who own their employer’s stock in their 401(k) plan have the potential for huge tax savings using an often-overlooked tax strategy known as net unrealized appre­ci­ation (NUA). How does…

What is The Widow’s Tax and How Will It Affect Me?

Patrick Carney

IRS tax code treats married people very differ­ently than single people. When a spouse dies, the surviving spouse may often face a drop in income and a hike in income taxes at the same time.

Understanding Your Annuity Payout Options

Lee Pelko

The maturity of the annuity at age 85 may actually be a gift to annuity owners to further contem­plate their exit strategy of this tax-deferred investment.

Annuity Traps Part 1: Living Benefits

Rick Rodgers

Learn about different types of annuities and under­stand how they can become a valuable component of your retirement plan. 

The Potential Dangers of Rolling Your Company Stock into an IRA

Rick Rodgers

If you own large quantities of company stock held within a retirement plan, rolling it into a tax-deferred IRA may not be the best strategy. Learn when a Net Unrealized Appre­ci­ation (NUA) trans­action is the right choice to maximize your tax efficiency.

What You Need to Know About RMDs

Rick Rodgers

Many clients have questions about when they need to withdraw money from their IRAs and what the rules are for Required Minimum Distri­b­u­tions (RMDs). Learn how to evaluate distri­b­ution options and avoid penalties that arise when RMDs are not met.

What is the Rodgers & Associates Financial Planning Process?

Rick Rodgers

Our approach to retirement planning combines the seven-step process outlined by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards with our own unique focus on maximizing tax efficiency, managing risk, and minimizing expenses throughout retirement.

6 Ways to Help You Reach Your Retirement Goals

Rick Rodgers

It’s never too early to start planning for retirement. By setting a strategy— and sticking to it—you can help achieve your goal of financial indepen­dence sooner.

What is Concierge Medicine?

Rick Rodgers

Concierge medicine1 is a type of doctor/patient relationship in which patients pay an annual retainer fee to their doctor in exchange for more personal care. The doctor can then limit their…